Hỗ trợ kỹ thuật

1. Multi-1U/RS232 & Multi-1U/Combo
Giá : 25.0 USD
-Add 1 serial port to your PC easily!

-RS232, or RS422/ RS485(Combo) Serial Interfaces

-Serial communication speed of up to 921.6Kbps

-USB Version 1.1 compatible

-Operates by bus power(Requires no external power)

-RI signal line power supply

-On-chip control for RS422/485 auto toggling

-Built in 15KV ESD

-Easy maintenance with TX/RX LED display

-Windows 98/CE/2000/XP/Vista/2008/7, Linux Kernel 2.4 or greater, Mac OS X, Mac OS9, Mac OS 8.6 driver support

2. Multi-2U/RS232 & Multi-1U/Combo
Giá: 78.0 USD

-Add 2 serial port to your PC easily!

-RS232, or RS422/ RS485(Combo) Serial Interfaces

-Serial communication speed of up to 921.6Kbps

-USB Version 1.1 compatible

-Operates by bus power(Requires no external power)

-RI signal line power supply

-On-chip control for RS422/485 auto toggling

-Built in 15KV ESD

-Easy maintenance with TX/RX LED display

-Windows 98/CE/2000/XP/Vista/2008/7, Linux Kernel 2.4 or greater, Mac OS X, Mac OS9, Mac OS 8.6 driver support
3. Multi-4RS485/USB Series
Giá : 234.0 USD

- 4 serial ports per board

- RS232, or RS422/ RS485(Combo) Serial Interfaces

- Serial communication speed of up to 921.6Kbps

- USB 2.0 full speed (12M bits/second) compatible

- Operates by bus power(No requires external power)

- RI signal line power supply (External power adapter power supplied)

- On-chip control for RS422/485 auto toggling

- Built in 15KV ESD

- Easy maintenance with TX/RX LED display

- Windows 98/CE/2000/XP/Vista/2008/7, Linux Kernel 2.4 or greater, Mac OS X, Mac OS9, Mac OS 8.6 driver support

4. Multi-8RS485/USB Series
Giá: 332.8 USD

- 8 serial ports per board

- RS232, or RS422/ RS485(Combo) Serial Interfaces

- Serial communication speed of up to 921.6Kbps

- USB 2.0 full speed (12M bits/second) compatible

- Operates by bus power(No requires external power)

- RI signal line power supply (External power adapter power supplied)

- On-chip control for RS422/485 auto toggling

- Built in 15KV ESD

- Easy maintenance with TX/RX LED display

- Windows 98/CE/2000/XP/Vista/2008/7, Linux Kernel 2.4 or greater, Mac OS X, Mac OS9, Mac OS 8.6 driver support



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Tổng cộng
Có 354 khách đang trực tuyến
Hôm nay : 8/6/2024
Người đại diện : Giám Đốc TRẦN HOÀNG MINH
Giấy CNĐKDN : 0312175728 - Đăng ký lần thứ 3 : 16/04/2018
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Email : webmaster@hantech.vn

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